Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day Trap

As I busy myself shopping for my Valentine's Day gifts for my two sweethearts, my husband and my daughter, I criticize myself as I do every year for allowing myself to fall into "the trap".

Valentine's Day is the card makers, the post office, and florists' dream! Not including the little cards our kids exchange in their classrooms, over 188 million cards are purchased and sent on Valentine's Day. But what does it really mean?

Is Valentine's Day the day we show our loved ones that we love them? Is it the day we romance our significant other? Is it the day we drag out our sexiest negligee and prepare for a wild night of 'unbridled passion' (LOL--can't believe I just used that phrase!)? Aren't those things that we should be doing everyday? Aren't those the things that contribute to creating a strong relationship? Shouldn't you cuddle your children every moment of everyday? Shouldn't you ensure that romance and wild nights of passion are regular components of your relationship with your significant other? And above all else, shouldn't you always, always show the ones you love that you love them with your words and with your acts... everyday?

And while I believe in my heart that these things are true...And I know on my hips that chocolate is the last thing I need...Here I am purchasing Valentine's Day gifts for my two sweethearts, so that they know that I love them and I am certain that I will do the same next year. But I hope that they do not question my love the other 364 days of the year.

Dear Lord, teach me to love as You loved. Ensure that my family and friends know that they are special in my life. Help me to show them that they are loved. Even when we argue and disagree, let us do so lovingly, without ugly words or temperaments. Help us to love another as you love us. AMEN.

1 comment:

Stewardship 101: Thank you (Ezine Ready)

Stewardship 101: Thank you (Ezine Ready)