Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am so struck by the enormity of the task I have been given. Being a mother is the most rewarding and most challenging task ever! I have supervised people, debated concepts, and written persuasive arguments, yet none compare to the daily supervision, debates, and "loud conversations" that I have with my 8-year-old.

People warned me and I didn't believe them, but I am amazed at how quickly the time flew. Just yesterday, she was this little, tiny bundle who depended on me for everything and now she is this confident young lady who is becoming more self sufficient everyday. She has her own thoughts and opinions (that don't always jive with mine--not sure how I feel about that!). She is a great kid and I am not saying that just because she is mine. I hope everyone feels that about their children.

I often wonder...what did I do so great in my lifetime to deserve such an amazing gift? I certainly wasn't the best student and I made my share of mistakes (just ask my parents!). While I would not do anything differently, because I apparently did something right, I cannot for the life of me figure out what I ever did to deserve baby...the light of my life. I thank God for her everyday.

Thank you God for finding me worthy of the gift of motherhood. Continue to bless my baby with health, strength and free will. Bless my husband and I with the skills and resources to provide her with all of the things she needs and many of the things she wants. Give me the strength and fortitude to teach her to be an independent thinker, a self-sufficient doer, and a proactive participant.

Bless those who are unable to conceive; help them to realize that they need not experience the pains of labor to mother a child. And finally dear Lord, let us realize how fortunate we are and that we all need to pitch in and help those in need. In Your Name, I pray, AMEN.

“Motherhood brings as much joy as ever…Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop her (his) own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own.” – Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons

Stewardship 101: Thank you (Ezine Ready)

Stewardship 101: Thank you (Ezine Ready)