Sunday, January 24, 2010


Almost everyday for the past 10 or 15 years, I have prayed to God for patience, but either He has yet to answer this particular prayer of mine or I haven't slowed down long enough to hear Him.

I am not certain if I am moving too fast or if other people just move too slow.
  • Is a speed limit of 65 mph really fast enough when you are trying to get somewhere? And if you are going 65 mph, must you do it in the fast lane or can you potentially stay to the right so that I can pass?
  • Do you really have to state and re-state your point, sprinkled with three-syllable SAT words, when, although I understand your really BIG words, I really just want you to get to the point?
  • Must we really meet to decide when the meeting will be or wouldn't our time be best spent meeting to come up with a plan of attack?
  • With new technologies, do we have to have face-to-face interaction to set our calendars or can we share calendars on-line and work to resolve any conflicts?
  • Do we really have to wait for someone to ask us to do something that we know needs to be done or wouldn't it prove more expeditious if everyone looked around at what needed to be done and just did it?
  • Must we restate what occurred so far at a meeting when someone is late or can they just listen quietly and get caught up or next time come on time?

I know that there are times that I am impatient. My daughter didn't even learn to put on her own socks until she was 4 or 5 because it took her entirely too long--according to me! Then I figured I better let her try, I wouldn't want her changing in gym class and not have a clue about what to do with her socks--she still doesn't get those heels in exactly the right spot, but if she's comfortable, who am I to complain?

But there are also times when people just move entirely too slow and fail to embrace technologies that will assist us all in moving faster! But regardless, I guess I need to realize that I can't change them and I guess I need to continue to pray for patience.

Dear Lord, please help me to be more patient. Help me to slow down and enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Even when people do things differently than I, let me learn from them. Let me be a positive force that may inspire others to change and challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort zone. Lord, let me be still enough to hear you, if indeed you are guiding me to be more patient and I am failing to hear you. Let me be reminded that You took Your time in the creation of the magnificence I see all around me. And let me be further reminded that even You rested. AMEN.

Stewardship 101: Thank you (Ezine Ready)

Stewardship 101: Thank you (Ezine Ready)